Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 1- Failure

As you can see, there has been quiet a bit of time between postings... I ended up starting my cleanse today... and failed.

Last night I started my smooth move tea and it was just fine. When I woke up I tried to do the salt water cleanse and I kicked that off of my plan within 4 sips. I was going to throw up if I continued. So I took a laxative instead. Then I took my first cup of the "lemon aid." It was okay. I continued on fine and I began getting a headache after about an hour after my second cup. I took a quick 20 minute nap and was just fine.

My day continued on normally. We went to Pearlridge mall and I swear that my nostrils have never been so keen into smells. haha. Like you know when you go to the mall and the smell of cookie corner entices you over there... well now multiply that by like a million. Note to self: Never go the mall when doing the cleanse.

Anyways, I was doing really well and got 5 of my glasses of the cleanse done for the day. I was over my cravings and doing fine, but I ran into somewhat of a roadblock because my mom is in Oahu right now and she needs to eat, SO, I broke the cleanse on the very first day...

My complaints for the day are:

1. NASTY TASTE IN MY MOUTH! I am not sure if you can chew on sugar free gum or anything during this cleanse, I am guessing a hard core cleanser would say "no." But I can see that being my biggest irritation when I jump into the cleanse full fledged. I ended up brushing my teeth like 5 times extra throughout the day just because my mouth had such a yucky taste in it.

2. Slight Headache: Nothing I can't get over, but enough to make you feel slightly weakened.

Good Things I learned today:

1. I can control my appetite! When reading other's experiences with this cleanse, most people said that day 1 was the worst. If that holds true for me, I could definitely do the full 10 days. It really wasn't that bad at all. I think it really made me realize how much I depend on food as a comfort when I am between activities, bored, or just feeling stressed out. I think that once I start this cleanse up again, and I complete it, I will feel even more empowered!

2. I EAT WAY TOO MUCH: Because I was trying to think of ways to cheat most of the day (like to just taste frosting on the cake or just swig some juice) I realized when I really did eat tonight that my body doesn't need nearly as much as I usually give it. So by only cleansing today, I realized how just small tastes or bites (very small portions) can be good when you get that craving throughout the day. =)

Overall, although I failed at my first attempt at the Master Cleanse, I know the reasons for me quitting weren't based on simply me giving into my cravings or anything, so I don't feel that bad. I know that when I do actually dive into the process fully, I will likely feel very good about myself and the process. I am going to give it a go again when I get back to Molokai and have less distracting circumstances that might tempt me!

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