Recently I have heard a lot about how great the "Master Cleanse" works and the awesome results that people have been getting from it. I have been very skeptical and I haven't been able to muster up enough will power to get myself to actually commit to the process. I have been putting it off because of school and finals that just finished up. I wanted to be able to put my full concentration into this in hope that I can stay strong. I was most inspired by a friend of mine who decided to try it a few weeks ago and she got some awesome results from it--- 20 pounds in 10 days. Although I know that this isn't specifically a weight loss program, I think if I am even able to loose a bit of weight, I will be inspired to continue the process of working out and eating right. It seems like for too long I have said "the first of next month I am going to start" and the months continue to pass without any real commitment to a regular work out regiment. So I am hoping this will be the start!
The reason for me starting the cleanse is basically my own personal dis satisfaction with how clothes are fitting me and my extra "chub" in my face, stomach, thighs, arms, and well, EVERYWHERE! Although I don't think that I am morbidly overweight at this point, I can feel my weight getting somewhat out of control, so I want to stop it before I don't recognize myself in the mirror anymore!! (A thought I have always been afraid of). So basically, I am hoping that this process will make me begin feeling more in control of my body weight. I figure that simply by getting a head start on loosing weight, I will continue that trend once I am done with the cleanse.
So today me and my cleanse partner and boyfriend, Jeremy, went out and got all the things that I will need for the cleanse: Grade B maple syrup, lemons
I contemplated how long I was going to try and do the cleanse for, especially because I think I am going to have a really hard time going for the full 10 days. I was going to try 4 at first and then give my body a break and then maybe go for 7 days, and then 10 days later on this summer. Yet, Jeremy convinced me to try the full 10 days with him. So hopefully we can do it! I am shooting high, hoping that I can make it. Right now I see the hardest part of the the next 10 days being the fact that I have a friends wedding to go to on the 26th and her bachelorette party 2 days before that. So I am hoping that those two occasions won't ruin it for me. BUT hopefully I can stay strong and be motivated by results!!
Okay, well no
Well, I plan on updating at least once a day and I am going to try and treat this blog as my "therapy" when I am having food cravings! =)
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